CTP Exam Prep Platform

Completely revised and updated: The CTP Exam Prep Platform is the preferred study resource for the CTP Exam and is based on the test specifications for the 2023 - 2025 windows. This fully digital and interactive platform contains study materials, evaluations, sample questions and customized progress tracking. 

CTP Exam Prep Features

 Key Features for CTP7 Exam Prep Platform: 

  • The CTP7 features a 18% increase in the question count over the previous iteration of the EPP.
  • Built on a completely new platform, you are able to continue your study even if you lose internet connectivity.
  • Confidence level ratings throughout the platform allow you to quickly identify areas of focus
  • Machine learning that will rate your proficiency on chapter material as you complete chapter-linked activities.
  • Each chapter features knowledge checks at the topic level and a chapter-level quiz in the summary topic that pulls across a random selection of questions from the chapter knowledge checks.
  • The practice question tab allows you to create your own customized test experiences. 
  • The Test tab features all the pre-formatted quizzes and tests that AFP offers, including the chapter tests as well as the 170 question practice exams. This includes the official CTP practice exam that pulls 170 questions from a larger 292-question bank and the retired question test bank pulls 170 questions previously featured as part of the CTP exam and updated to comply with the current material. 


  • Built-In Instructor-Led Videos by Chapter
  • Pre-Test Strengths & Weaknesses engine to help target your studies
  • Mobile-compliant platform that will format correctly on any device with a web browser 
  • Practice Exams that mimic the actual exam environment
  • Ability to highlight, take notes and bookmark content within the platform 
  • Integration with discussion forums to facilitate interaction with other professionals who are preparing for the exam 
  • 86 Knowledge Checks
  • A universal search engine that will return results across all content on the platform 
  • A Resources tab with all of the downloadable files that AFP offers to help your preparations 
  • AFP created Definition & Formula Flashcards and the ability to create your own flashcards 


If you would like to access the new and improved CTP Exam Prep Platform, access it here:

Access NEW EPP Here

Global Exam Prep Partnerships

AFP has established exclusive global partnerships for both online and in-person-led courses. All courses use curriculum developed by AFP and are led by AFP-approved facilitators to provide the most reliable and up-to-date Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) exam preparation available. Check out our Global Exam Prep Partnerships.


AFP MemberNon-Member
Exam Prep Platform (EPP)$910Exam Prep Platform (EPP)$1010
Essentials of Treasury Management (ETM)$185Essentials of Treasury Management (ETM)$285
Bundle the EPP and ETM$995Bundle the EPP and ETM$1095

The CTP Exam Prep Platform is 100% digital. You can purchase the Essentials of Treasury Management, 7th edition, as a printed reference guide.

Order the Exam Prep Platform

Save $100 by Bundling the EPP and ETM

You can also purchase the ETM or EPP as part of your application process.

Technical Specifications

The CTP Exam Prep Platform works best with these browsers:

  • Google Chrome (most recent 2 versions)
  • Firefox (most recent 2 versions)
  • Safari (most recent 2 versions)
  • Internet Explorer (version 11 and above)