AFP Standards of Ethical Conduct

The conduct of financial professionals has a direct effect on the reputation of the profession. A good reputation is earned on a continuing basis by performing one's business with competence, appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and by complying with applicable laws and regulations. Financial professionals have an obligation to their employers, co-workers, customers, shareholders, the profession and themselves to maintain the highest standards of conduct and to encourage their peers to do likewise.


  • Continue to acquire an appropriate level of professional knowledge and skill in finance.
  • Perform professional duties in good faith and in accordance with technical, legal and regulatory practices, as well as the letter and spirit of the law in the field of finance.


  • Maintain confidential information acquired in the course of professional activities and disclose such information when legally obligated to do so.
  • Refrain from using or appearing to use confidential information for unethical or illegal advantage either personally or through third parties.


  • Practice honesty and standards of professional care in all dealings without engaging in any activity that would prejudice the ability to carry out professional responsibilities competently and fairly. Avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof.
  • Refrain from abusing the financial systems and markets.
  • Disclose fully all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence business dealings.

The Certified Cash Manager (CCM) and Certified Treasury Professional ® (CTP) and Certified Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis Professional (FP&A) designations may only be used if the certification is active.